Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Seal of Solomon and Nightmares Part 2

As you cans see I was deeply bothered by this dream. I wanted to call my -ex and tell him about it ....but he would not be much support. I wanted someone here, but I have nobody. So I got up and went to wish my Aunt her happy b-day and played with Patrick. I wanted to ask her actually.... please tell me what is wrong with that room!!! It would of scared her if I told her the dream.

The Seal of Solomon
After doing some quick research on mysticism and hexagons, apparently I must of read or GOD has really implanted some interesting knowledge in my noggin, that what I drew was the the Seal of Solomon. As many of you know I do read various book about mysticism, spiritualism, religion, and mythology. Although I was aware of this powerful symbol I never read up more into it other than it was used to seal demons and ghosts, ward off diseases, and fell off popular usage being replaced by the pentacle as an all purpose ward. Furthermore I did not know that the Seal of Solomon contained the word "GOD's NAME" in its construction as a ward. I am puzzled about this... I have done some spellcasting in dreams before... but usually with some fantasy based aspect to it.
Never an actual sigil.... prayers and invocations to Jesus/GOD... but not this level of mysticism.

The Other Room
Over my lifetime the "other room" in my dreams has always been my old bedroom in this house. It was my mother's bedroom, a guest/sewing room, and my grandfather's bedroom. Finally it became mine when I moved here. Throughout my life most of my abduction experience have occurred in there. As well as some unexplained phenomena. A few people have experienced or seen things, but nothing occurs for the most part there during most of the year. In my dreams however the room is a constant battleground of spiritual warfare. It is haunted... the lights will go off and on, there is a sinister presence, doors will shut, furniture and paper will move, it is a very eerie place. In my dreamscape I have tried a dozen times to cleanse that place, done battle in their against whatever force dwells there. It is just weird.

The Seal of Solomon and Nightmares Part 1

I had a very odd nightmare that has disturbed me on several levels and also made me learn something of myself as well... her is he nightmare as it played out. Be in mind that it continues from a period of sleep that i woke up from:
7:30pm Fell Asleep

I was hanging out with my boss and his partner at and outside area/park in the city lounging about going over the figures of the day and possible ideas on how we could improve business. Their personal assistant suggested we should go over to their home for my aunt birthday.

Apparently we went to the theatre all together, had dinner at their place, stayed over, spent the the next day together, and it was around 11pm when my boss brother asked why I seemed sad. I began to explain to him that it was my mother's b-day too and began to unload the sad state of affairs that my aunt and I lived in. Then I remembered we had left our dog by himself all this time. So I told my boss whom walked that I need to go and take my aunt home and see about my puppy and I would come back. My aunt was sad that the party was over and we had to go back to responsibilities. As we left the area I noticed that the landscape of the Dream was my usual landscape for the City of Honolulu when I dreamt about going there several years ago.

11:00pm Woke up phone rang and used bathroom
11:15pm Fell Asleep

We got home and my grandmother (deceased) was here and was upset that we had missed a party for my aunt that the family threw for her and my mom. I should put my aunt in her room and check the mess my dog did in my room. Oddly enough I walked to my old room (the problem room in the house). Sure enough there was a bag of bread on the floor and my stuff animal were strewn all over the place. As I began picking things up I turned the TV on. A thought ran through my head as I tasted the bread about a commercial that ensured freshness if you sprinkled this powder over things.
The TV played a show that starred myself, my old friends Carlo, Alex, and Robert. Apparently the episode was about us going over to Alex's home that was next store to Carlos' to play AD&D. Apparently Carlo's parents were away for the weekend, but there was a falling out between Alex and Carlos. Apparently someone from Carlos' family divorced a member from Alex's and there was tension. Carlos said we could go over to his home if there was any trouble. I changed the channel and there was a program about "Rosario" (from Wil & Grace) and she was helping her boss find treasure in a basement.
The power fluctuated. And I thought I should at least call my boss and tell them I wouldn't be spending the night again that i was tired and thank you for the great time. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my "stuff black lab" run on his own across the floor. I was like "awww??? wait that isn't right?". Power fluctuation again and I heard my
-ex's voice going "awww" from the television. Then my stuff black lab ran under the bed and ran out with a knife.
The door to the room closed. He was running around my feet not cutting me, but just running around with a knife.
A picked him up and took the knife away easily, put he forced himself toward me and I had to hold him back.
Then the other stuff animals "the tan gold retriever" and others started moving. Then my -ex's voice came on again saying the playful words we usual use with our toys "aaww how cute" ,"aww he loves you" "isn't he special" in a taunting way from the television as they began to jump me and attempt to strangle me.
I began praying to God, saying "in the name of Jesus" as they attempted to choke me and I was fighting back.
Nothing was working and I remember saying "that's it!". I quickly broker away from them and drew a hexagon in the air with my fingers and invoked "GOD's Hebrew Name" and forced that image forward. There was a blast of force. My stuffed animals were no longer attacking. The taunting voice from the TV had stopped.
I began to pick them up one by one and noticed that my "black lab" was missing.
I lay down on the bed exhausted from the ordeal ... and the comforter with thrown over my head. I could not move and there was yellow glowing light everywhere. I was paralyzed and it felt like my "stellar friends"... from the intensity of the light I could begin to see shadows above me. I managed to free one arm and forced it to swing hoping to free myself...

12:45am woke up

My initial thoughts were WTF!? I was bombarded with so many things. And what the heck was I using a Hexagon as an attack. It should of been a pentagram or something else.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sleep Paralysis-Aliens

I came across this web page concerning the Sleep Paralysis Phenomena. Although the site is influenced by the belief in the Kundalini (Chakras), it does have some interesting theories as to why this may occur.

Now as many fellow abductee may recount, some of us experience sleep paralysis in which we know that we are about to be abducted and duration of the experience. As the alien entities are familiar with the higher sciences, they may be manipulating or bio-electrical energy field through the tampering of the chakras. This would leave no trace of any chemically induced agents.

As we know through some examples, pressure points can be manipulated to cause a variety of odd bodily situations. We also know there are some audio/sonic vibrational factors that can also manipulate our systems. (The Ancient art of acupuncture has mapped the bodies Chi flow. This practice can demonstrate scientifically that a form of energy does flow through the body and can be manipulated. Also we have found that certain audio frequency can cause behavioral and physiological changes as well).

In most of my experiences I have been able to only break free a few times from some episodes. During most sessions I am only able to move slightly usually just able to wiggle a toe of finger. I have found personally that if you wiggle long enough the rest of the limb breaks free.
Another method that has worked but is scary is holding your breath, usually this causes the body to panic and rush adrenalin out. I have been able to do this only a few times when I am fully aware of a presence and i have not begun panic yet.

As far as for it spiritual link, I have yet to find a spiritual remedy that has worked.

Ancient Ghosts

The other day as I was musing over my paranormal experiences, a friend asked "Why are there only reports of ghosts within the past 200 years?"

It is a good question. Why do most ghosts seem to be from the past 200 years.

On a global scale there are ghosts and hauntings that do date back some 2,000 years plus.
Most of these places are ancient battlefields, tombs, and monuments to past civilizations.
Europe, China, Japan, and the Middle East have tales of spirits and hauntings that date back many centuries past. Yet we also need to remember, that most ancient places may have been spiritually cleansed by the cultures that dwelt around an active hotspot. Some places are ritually sanctified as well, and may hold the spirits of the ancient dead in suspension until such a time that area is defiled by human hands or by nature.

The other factor I would say is Pathos-"the quality or power in an actual life experience or in literature, music, speech, or other forms of expression, of evoking a feeling of pity or compassion". A spirits haunting can last for only so long, over the course of years spirits can just fade away if no one remembers them. The turn of centuries can send a haunting into the arms of oblivion if no one remembers. Also sometimes spirits finally let go and just dissipate or move on.
Lastly some may enter a hibernative state in which they suspend activity until a certain event
takes place or awakened.

This may also explain why ghosts of animal are not as present. Hardly anyone remembers the passing of an animal, but that is not to say that they are not there. According to a Hunter's methodology, animal can detect the presence of a spirit or entity. So there are animal spirits, but they probably move on rather quickly, however domestic animals may run by our rules too.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Haunting 004

Date: 1998
Type: Entity
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: Night.
Odd occurrences before: Same occurrence has happened to my aunt, my grandmother, and myself.
Possible Influential Factors: "Marcos".
Resolution: After my attack it stopped.

In 1998 in a period of 2 months during the spring my aunt, grandmother, and myself
were attacked by an entity separately at night while we slept. It first occurred with my aunt when night we heard here screaming. She had told us she woke up from a nightmare, but she was visibly shaken. She didn't say much about the incident at that point.

A few weeks later though, my grandmother experience a similar episode. Now my grandmother would suffer from "sleep apnea", but her episodes unlike true apnea it included visions and she would be awake but asleep. Well during this episode I walked in and she was clutching her neck and saying in Spanish "I don't know", "Why are your asking?", and "Who?". I honestly didn't think anything of it.

My grandmother got sick a few weeks afterward as was hospitalized. So I stayed in her bedroom and slept in there. I had a habit during this time of taking with me my ward, a picture of my spirit animal in hopes it would protect me from the aliens.
Well that night, I awoke with someone asking me "Where is he!" I was held down and couldn't move, something was choking me. I managed to just say "Who?" and it answered "Where is Marcos! Where is he!". As he said that my ward went off and it attacked what ever it was.

I soon told my grandmother what happened the next day. She was surprised. That's when my aunt filled in her part of the story. She said something grabbed her and did the same thing. At that point we all knew something off went on, and it was looking for a "Marcos". What was off is that who it was asking for, and we are still wondering why? This bothered me as "Marcos" did mean something.....

Haunting 003

Date: 1986 to Current
Type: Shadows, Mist.
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: Dusk to Dawn.
Odd occurrences before: None.
Possible Influential Factors: Several local cemeteries.
Resolution: Attempts at banishing and warding with some success.

In the house there are numerous shadowy that I believe pass through our area. I live by several local cemeteries of varying faiths and elasticities. The area I live in was once called Sunnyside Heights, a Jewish community. The Wyvernwood area was once home to a Japanese-American community. The history of my area has no known great tragedies, but serves as an area for many as a final resting place.

Ever since I was young, I noticed humanoid shadows dart within the main hallway of the house. Our adjoining apartment also at one time had activity in it main hallway as well. My grandmother and aunt would report of shadows on the wall that had no source. As you have read my blog, you will also notice that there has been a high level of Alien Abductions as well. These are unrelated to the abductions as these "shadows" are spiritual and not physical. These shadows are just creepy at times and show sporadically. I believe these are just wandering spirits from the cemeteries.

Another odd occurrence was the "mist" ghost. This entity I believe is the only stationary entity here. It has appeared in two areas of the place. In large bedroom by the apartment it has appeared several times to more than one guest. It is a grey white mist visible in the dark or light. It usually hover along the edge of the ceiling and just fades out. Some guests have reported it hoovering just above the bed. When it has there was a noticeable cold spot. On one occasion in the garage, two of my friends saw the mist come from the rafters of the garage and just come down to where we were sitting and then just vanished.

The residence has been blessed in the past by a catholic priest. I myself have done my own wardings to some success. The mist creature has remained inactive, and it is unknown whether or not if it is still present.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Haunting 002

Date: 1979-1986
Type: Haunting, Poltergeist activity, multiple spirits.
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: Dusk to Dawn.
Odd occurrences before: Death of previous tenant of the apartment in adjacent apartment. Spiritual activity in adjoining home.
Possible Influential Factors: Spiritual acitivity in back house.
Resolution: Numerous blessing by Catholic priests, would subside for a while.

When I was younger, i live with my mother part time in a small apartment complex in East Los Angeles. My mother's sister owned the complex. According to her children, there was some odd happenings in their home, supposedly two spirits haunted their home. The first apartment was haunted by the spirit of the previous tenant. So after a few months we moved into the second apartment.

In the second apartment it got worse as a the same activity repeated itself, but in addition to previous happenings, the TV would turn on and off and object would slide about. Also shadows could be seen moving along the wall or in the middle of the living room, dining room, and bedrooms. The bedoroom window would some to slide itself shut as well.

Haunting 001

Date: 1979-1986
Type: Haunting, Poltergeist activity, multiple spirits
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: Dusk to Dawn.
Odd occurances before: Death of previous tenant of the apartment. She did not want to move and vowed if she left, she would die and come back..
Possible Influential Factors: Spiritual acitivity in back house.
Resoluton: Numerous blessing by Catholic priests, would subside for a while.

When I was younger, i live with my mother part time in a small apartment complex in East Los Angeles. My mother's sister owned the complex. According to her children, there was some odd happenings in their home, supposedly two spirits haunted their home. Yet in the first apartment we lived in, the former tenant's spirit was very active.

At first we were unaware of her death. A few month after her passing, room doors and cuppord doors would open and close by themselves. Sometimes a light swtich would either flip itself on or off, late at night the rocking chair would move slowly, and odly enough the washing machine would turn itself on. You could literally here the clicking of the dials and the start of the cycle.

At times you could feel a cold haevy pressence in the bedroom if you were by yourself.

As soon as the second apartment was free we moved to there. A catholic priest blessed the place, but the activity would still go on afterwards.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Television: History Channel UFO Hunters "Alien Contacts"

Another program

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Television: History Channel UFO Hunters "Abductions"

Alrighty, here is a program from History Channel's UFO Hunters on abductions.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Possible Signs That You Have Been Abducted

  • Feeling you are Special or Chosen or have an important task to perform
  • Have a memory of having a special place with spiritual significance, when you were a youngster
  • Fear or anxiety over the subject of aliens or UFOs
  • Sensitivity to issues affecting the Earth, its environment and all life forms than other people
  • Fear of being kidnapped or abnormal constantly monitoring of your surroundings
  • Insomnia or sleep disorders which are puzzling to you
  • Must sleep against the wall or must sleep with your bed against a wall
  • Paralyzed in bed with a being in your room
  • Dreams of flying or being outside your body
  • Dreams of passing through a closed window or solid wall
  • Dreams about seeing UFOs, being inside UFOs, or interacting with UFO occupants
  • Dreams of doctors or medical procedures
  • Dreams of destruction or catastrophe
  • Dreams wherein superior beings, angels, or aliens are educating you about mankind, the universe, global changes or future events
  • A waking memory of being inside a UFO or interacting with its occupants
  • Feeling of being watched much of the time, especially at night
  • Seeing unexplained balls of lights or beings when in bed
  • Beams of light outside your home, or come into your room through a window
  • Hearing unexplained physical noises
  • Unexplained nosebleeds especially when you wake-up
  • Awakened to discover unexplainable marks or bruises on your body
  • Awoken with soreness in your genitals which can not be explained
  • X-rays or other procedures reveal unexplainable foreign objects lodged in your body
  • Sinus trouble or migraine headaches
  • Frequent or sporadic ringing in your ears, especially in one ear
  • Unusual scars or marks with no possible explanation on how you received them -small scoop indentation, straight line scar, triangular marks, scars in roof of mouth, in nose, behind or in ears
  • Unusual fear of doctors or tend to avoid medical treatment
  • Missing or lost time
  • Compelled to drive or walk to an out of the way or unknown area
  • A strange fog or haze that should not be there
  • Strange humming or pulsing sounds, and you could not identify the source
  • Seeing one or more UFO's up close within short walking or driving distance
  • One or more sighting experiences
  • A strong "marker memory" that will not go away (i.e.: an alien face, an examination, a needle, a table, a strange skinny baby
  • DNA genetic encodings activated - increased psychic abilities
  • Channeled telepathic messages from extraterrestrials
  • Recall your children or parents speaking of similar experiences on occasion
I scored 21/37 off of thi list. Over my lifetime I have experienced one of these items on one or more occasions. Know some of the criteria i do have some serious doubts of the nature of their validity. The "your chosen/special" and "spiritual connections". When things go crazy it seems people tend to put things in terms of spiritual aspects. What does this have to do with the Abduction Phenomena? I know looking at it from a historical aspect, aliens and UFOs can be explained away as religious or supernatural events. The list is just a general guideline, but this is whjat I scored.

Debunking the Abductions

As my life goes on I have attempted to debunk this phenomena by attempting to explain it away and finding some reasonable doubt in its occurrence.

1. The Abductions have all taken place within a highly populated urban areas. (Save initial Irwindale locations, back then these local were rural/urban in the late 1970). Not only that, but final descent air traffic from LAX passes overhead. Also a major freeway is just a few blocks away. My question is then how has no one else seen a craft or anything (However incident in 2005 where neighborhood saw something).

-Could have I mistaken UFO for an Airplane, helicopter or automobile? No.
-Could have I mistaken UFO for an Airplane, helicopter or automobile? Probable.

2. I live with others and have had my boyfriends and other friends stay over. Several members of my family and one best friend has seen these events happen. Others have not.

-Random events. Sometime a person can be her 24/7, but may choose to ignore or even have the chance of not being here when it occurs.

3. Perhaps am I mentally ill? My immediate family can be classified as having such problems.
There was a suicide in my family, and several members experienced mental breakdowns. Yet none of these seem biological in nature.

4. Substance abuse? No, I am happy to say my family who has experienced this phenomena and friends do not have any history of substance abuse.

5. Could it be a haunting? No. There is some supernatural activity at some of the sites, but they are both different in occurrences.

6. Are their any other environmental factors? None that I am aware of. I do live about 10 miles away from a live pork processing plant. There are power lines and telephone poles all over the place in my area, electro-radiation could be a cause but no study has yet to prove that. especially in an age in which electricity and various radio frequency pass through us from a number of signals.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Well here is a map of the East Greater Los Angeles area of where I have been abducted.
The first two incidents occured in the Irwindale area. The majority of the other abductions took place closer to the Los Angeles area. The Montery Park incident only occurred once and was only a sighting of an Alien, and not a true abduction.


Subject: Paternal Family
Date: Unknown
Location: Livingston, Greater Los Angeles Area, and Medesto, CA, as well as Arizona or New Mexico

My father had mental issues, as well as a history of drug abuse. Not much is known about his lifestyle as there were family problems.
His family came from the area of Medesto and Livingston. Their background was American Indian of an unknown tribe from the southwest. The survivors of their tribe was relocated by the US Calvary an moved to a reservation somewhere between medesto and livingston. Some family members were able to return to the New Mexico/Arizona regions.
Some tribes of the southwest claim contact with the "Star Tribe", extraterrestrials. Unknown whether or not my paternal heritage was one of these tribes that spoke of the phenomena.
Unable to verify heritage due to estranged association with paternal side of family, and the decimation of the tribe by the government of United States of America.

Unable to verify further information since grandmother deceased as of 2000. Aunt is able to verify events to current.


Subject: Maternal Grandmother, Maternal Aunt (Mother's Identical Twin).
Date: 1986 to Present.
Location: Los Angeles, CA.

I have lived with my grandmother and aunt most of my life since the death of my grandfather. My grandmother and aunt are very spiritual and belive in god (catholic). They both would somewhat deny anything had every happened and believe they were spiritual in nature. My aunt was always to afraid to say anything except "You should pray to god", and my grandmother response was "it's demons", "see the devil is coming becuase you did something bad".

It wasn't until 1994 did I start to ask questions. My grandmother began to verify that things happened. Strange lights in the hallways, odd noises, and other things. My aunt likewise verified this. Currently when an event happens my aunt is witness to what has been going on, she can validate my claims. I usually ask her if anything unusual happened if belive that an abduction/visitation occured. She has so far proven reliable and was able to relate event for her perspective without hearing anhy of my information

Unable to verify further information since grandmother deceased as of 2000. Aunt is able to verify events to current.


Subject: Mother
Date: 1953 to 1975
Location: Los Angeles, CA

My mother was a believer in the UFO phenomena. She was aware of my grandfather's experiences as a masonry contractor and the incident that happened in the desert.

During her teenage years show was fascinated with the reports of UFOs and would look for them above the skies of Los Angeles. One night when she was younger, her and her sister's husband were atop of the roof looking for UFOs. She claim that a ball of light happened to descend from the sky and a they were both enveloped by light. My uncle denies the incident ever took places.
She remembers nothing else, but her interests in the phenomena stopped all together.

However, in 1974 during her pregnancy with the "Abductee Subject", she claims that she would be visited weekly by beings that were after her baby. They would poke her with strange things and examine her stomach. She claims that she was chased by wolves in her dreams, and when she was caught beings would be doing this to her.
Unable to verifying any other accounts due to the fact he is deceased as of 2006. It is important to note the the "Abductee Subject" mother had physical complications and health problems relating to diabetes as of 1980. Also their is a possibility if some mental or psychological trauma, as later in life she exhibited many traits that would describe her as having mental problems as a result to familial pressures. It is important to note she was brilliant, creative, and intelligent.


Subject: Maternal grandfather
Date: 1917 to 1927, 1937-1950
Location: Texas, New Mexico, or Arizona

My grandfather once related a story about himself when he was younger. He was originally born in Sweetwater, Texas. He mother and father died, and he was sent to go and live with an aunt. He would run away and spent time between an orphanage and his aunt's home until one day he decided to run away and walk to California. He traveled by foot and road to California, crossing the desert highways.

One night will on his journey, he remember he was feeling quite ill. That night he claimed that angels came down from heaven and made him better. He remembers a ball of light, some figures, and then the next morning he felt all better. My grandfather was a religious man and believed this was a religious experience.

My grandfather's occupation was a mason and construction worker. He was contracted to help build many of the freeways in Southern California. He once related a story about how he was working and the government asked for skilled mason to work for them. They were picked up in bus with tinted window and sent to a location in which they need to have a decontamination shower before and after there work. The reason why this is mentioned is because the facility he worked at was similar to the underground mountain military facilities found throughout the Sierra Nevada (think like Stargate-SG1). He never said what he was doing, only about the buses, the odd showers, and working somewhere in the mountains.

Unable to verifying any other account due to the fact he is deceased as of 1986.


Date: September 3,2008
Type: CE1/4, AN1, FB1, AE1-5, Visitation II
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 4:00 am to 5:00am.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 3:00 a.m.
State of Mind Before: Non-stressed.
State of Mind After: Anxious, Bothered, Confused.
Odd occurances before: None.
Odd occurances after: Heavy Army Helicopter Circling Area, continual bad dreams for next 2 weeks.
Possible Influential Factors: Related to incident February 20, 2005.

I awoke to the noise of my dog barking. I turned on my room light and the kitchen light went to check on him. I then heard my aunt scream and went to her room. When I got there I noticed a blue argon glow and the noise of electricity. I told her “I will be right back I am going to get (name of dog)”. I walked back to my room and saw my dog sleeping in his area by the kitchen as if nothing happened. I walked into my room to get my short sword. As I turned the book case I ran into two shadowy beings about 5’ tall. I cannot recall any details but they were about 5’ tall and seemed obscured in shadow. I yelped.
I awoke at 4:50 am on my bed with the light in the kitchen and my bed room off. I wasn’t exactly sure what happened so I just lay there scarred in my bed and looked at the clock. Then I hear what sounded like a heavy military chopper circle the house twice and then head back out. As the helicopter left I managed the courage to get up and noticed that it was about 5:05am. I heard smaller news choppers that headed toward the freeways. I turned the TV still confused. After about two hours I finally went to bed. I felt scared but was really tired. My roomate came in around 10AM and shut off my TV.

That day my roommate fell ill and I had to take him to the doctor. Although this same roommate experienced an episode around July 1995, he did not mention anything off other than he felt sick. Apparently he had a peptic ulcer and was bleeding internally. He had to be hospitalized. As I was waiting in the doctor office and emergency the whole scenario from the previous night began to fell in, it just hit me as my mind was trying to relax while I was worried about him. Later that night I questioned my aunt and ask if she noticed anything weird. She confirmed I came into her room and that there was a blue white light again. She repeated exactly what I told her, the phrase “I will be right back I am going to get (name of dog)”.

For the next couple of weeks I have been sleeping fidgety, and been hyper sensitive to noise. The crickets will suddenly stop chirping and I snap back awake scared. For the past few days I have been experience rather lucid dreams about high school, my family, life choices, and previous occupation. Most of the time half way through the dreams I am aware that I am dreaming and I notice something is observing me from a distance within the dream. I attempt to interact with my dreams and begin to radically act non-characteristically in which then I began to awaken. I believe they are beginning tests again.


Date: February, 21 2005
Type: CE1/AN1, FB1
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 5:30 am to 6:00am.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 1:00 a.m.
State of Mind Before: Non-stressed.
State of Mind After: Bothered.
Odd occurances before: None.
Odd occurances after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: Other Neighborhood UFO abductee, Notified LADWP of possible transformer blowout.

Around 5:30 am. I awoke to a scream from my aunt and those of some of my neighbors. Outside the house I could hear electricity and a blue argon/white light was shiny strongly over the house. I ran to here room and saw the light more closely, whatever it the source was it was above the house. Within two minutes from the time I got up, the light was going and then zoomed away.
Building up what courage I had I went outside since I heard my neighbors outside as well. Neighbors from my block alongside my street from the corner to corner had also seen the blue light and were awake. Most were extremely scared, and as others were talking, a picture of what had happened began to take form as everyone joined in. Apparently everyone was awakened and startled by a large blue white glowing object above the neighborhood. My neighbor of the south side of the corner side it was over there home by a telephone pole and hovered slowly down toward the midstreet near my home. Other neighbors confirmed that there was a blue light above the neighborhood and then it sped off to the north. Several other neighbors from the block next to us also saw it. Our electricity was working, but I called DWP to confirm that there was some sort of power incident and if they could come out and check our neighborhood. According to the customer representative on the phone no anomalies with the power had happened.
I do not recall anything strange happening before or afterward, and the power was working fine. What was curious is that this was the first time something awoke all the neighbors.


Date: July 11, 2004
Type: Sleep Paralysis/AE1-3, Visitation (x)
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 4:05am to 6:00am.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 4:00 a.m.
State of Mind Before: Non-stressed, Bonding Ritual Exercise.
State of Mind After: Completely Calm.
Odd occurances before: Ear Humming.
Odd occurances after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: Bonding Ritual Exercise, Lucid Dream on July 2nd, 2004.

I stayed up all night because I couldn’t sleep. I had a late dinner and watched a movie, “Apt Pupil” early in the night. Before bed I attempted to establish contact with a bonding ritual with an individual. During the exercise things were calm. Suddenly the ear humming started twice, I ignored the humming as I thought it was a distraction. Humming events occurred regularly since another individual within the neighborhood is being abducted. I immediately entered sleep paralysis when I heard a knock on the door. I was sleeping sideways, and unable to move. I had my sheet draped the bed to cover my sleeping area, a wind began to blow and there was increased in light in the room coming from the bedroom door pass the shelf and toward my bed. The sheet moved toward me as there was wind blowing in my direction, and at the edge of my bed the sheet was opened slightly and an alien crawled in. The alien is a the second group that has recently appeared, the ones abducting another person in the area. It appeared as a small white hairless tall baby-like being. It examined my left foot, my lower back, and my left ear. During all this time I attempted to call out, move, and attempt to pull down the sheet. In irony I was looking at my bonding focus, which allowed me to be somewhat calmed. After it was finished I awoke on my back, I quickly pulled the sheet off. I noticed that the sun had arisen as light began to creep in. I assume that this episode lasted until approximately before dawn. The only physical oddity I had was a fluid sack I punctured his afternoon on my left foot and pinky toe. I have had some my skin shedding issues the past two months there, but not a fluid sack which appeared after this event.

Earlier during the week on July second I experienced a rather odd lucid dream. The individual who has been a focal point in my bonding ritual, was revealed to me by these type two visitors as one of them. He was indeed another form of hybrid. The visitors were pleased with my interaction and feelings to their hybrid. They assumed success. Despite the truth of what was revealed, I stilled held this individual in high favor. However, I planned to screw their plan by terminating contact with the individual based on this experience which I thought was just a dream. Evidently they revealed that this type of hybrid had a flaw which was fixed by their interaction with me or what they had done to me. Evidently the hybrids and my altered kind are supposed to work in conjunction with one another.


Date: March 22, 2004
Type: Sleep Paralysis/Visitation (x)
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 2:05am to 4:00am.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 2:00 a.m.
State of Mind Before: Non-stressed, sleepy and tired.
State of Mind After: Fully Alert, Tensed, Wide Awake.
Odd occurances before: Ear Humming, Electronic Beeps, Previous Night.
Odd occurances after: Ear Humming, Electronic Beeps.
Possible Influential Factors: Art Bell Show on Humanity Experiment/Alpha Gravity and talk Alien Phenomena previous day.

As I was about to fall asleep, I heard a faint humming and some electronic beeps. My eyes darted wide-open and I could not move. As usual, I slept with my back to the wall on the edge of the bed with my bed curtain drawn.
I could clearly hear my door click, I’d forgotten to lock it, and faint footsteps. In the other room I could hear my aunt watch TV. I quickly began to pray the “Our Father” three times. My lips barely moved but I could not utter any sound at this point. I heard the footsteps move again so I stopped struggling. I attempted to communicate “stop!”, “go away!”, and “what do you want?”. I did see a small silhouette of something round the corner of my bookcase.
At this point I began to attempting to struggle as much as possible. I began to exert my will to move. I was only able to move my pinky fingers, wiggle my toes, and successfully able to shift my weight to fall of the bed. As I attempted to fall of three times I was softly pushed back from whatever was behind the bed curtain. As a previous experience I came face to face with a being, with the curtain between us. It touched me face several times and my legs.
I could still here my Aunts TV in the other room playing. For some reason whatever it was doing was hurting me. Not is a physical way. It felt threatening on an energy/spiritual level. I began to attempt to wolf howl, calling on my Totem Spirit since prayer did not work. The effect after a minute of doing this I was able to hear the howl but very softly and building to a quiet howl. At which point my right hand was free.
I attempted to draw the curtain, but it had a very solid force applied to it. So I began to punch and punch at it at least five times. Each attempt hit a solid force. My last two punches were odd though because I was able to full extend my arm into something. I focused on the spot where I punched and notice a definite black spot. While my arms was in there it felt numb and encased just below the elbow unable to pull back.
I noticed a second figure behind the curtain, at least 5 feet tall and wispy.
I was able to move with eyes open, in my original sleeping position except for my right hand in a tightly clenched fist against my chest toward the mattress. I did not move for 3 minutes as I was unsure if it was over or not. I got up and attempted to verify with my aunt. She noticed nothing, but I found out she turned off the TV three minutes before I came to see her.

March 21, 2004 around the same time the humming and beeps occurred. I was up waiting a call from my BF. I began to feel sleepy, but got up instead walked around. Until the humming stopped in about seven minutes. I attempted to rest my eyes, but saw weird script. When I opened them, was getting flashes of script. Nothing else occurred and did not care much. Was angry that day about a Convention mishap though and was apathetic to the situation.


Date: December 2003/January 2004
Type: Sleep Paralysis/Visitation (x)
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 2:00am to 4:00am.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 2:00 a.m.
State of Mind Before: Non-stressed, sleepy and tired.
State of Mind After: Fully Alert, Tensed, Wide Awake.
Odd occurences before: Ear Humming, Electronic Beeps, Previous Night.
Odd occurences after: Ear Humming, Electronic Beeps.
Possible Influential Factors: None.

Somewhere in this neighborhood there is another person being abducted by another type of E.T. that ironically has taken interest in me. They have marked me with five dots of the Thorn Rune. It seems one set is no showing up during the advent of the full moon. Most recent even in January they showed up, walked in the door and were looking for me. Apparently, they do not understand the nature of a closed canopy bed. They new I was within, but unsure to what was hidden besides me behind the curtain. It is becoming more obvious that these new ones do not care if I see them.


Date: 1998-2003
Type: Sleep Paralysis/Visitation (x)
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: 2:00am to 4:00am.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 2:00 a.m.
State of Mind Before: Non-stressed, sleepy and tired.
State of Mind After: Fully Alert, Tensed, Wide Awake.
Odd occurrences before: Ear Humming, Electronic Beeps, Previous Night.
Odd occurrences after: Ear Humming, Electronic Beeps.
Possible Influential Factors: None

"Visitations" occur on a sporadic basis. However they have become more aggressive toward me. I made attempts to thwart there arrivals by practicing shamanistic ritual protection magiks, staying up during the night, and whatever else I could think of to hamper them. Despite any protections I have around my home from both the mundane and spirit world, they have still come. They have attempted psychic invasions into my mind, though I prove to be rather uncooperative. I have been physically assaulted and allowed to clearly remember two of my abductions as a warning of my non-compliance. They have also threatened my with harming my acquaintances and friends. My sole family member with whom which I have lived with since 1986, does validate my claims that something has gone on. She is aware, but afraid and very uncomfortable about the subject.


Date: 1995 thru 1997
Locations: Alhambra, East Los Angeles, and Montebello

"Visitations" did not occur as I moved between the areas of Montebello, East Los Angeles, and Alhambra due to family problems. During this time I lived with a few roommates whom did not experience anything out of the ordinary and neither did I. If anything did occur I did not notice because of many of the family problems I had.


Dates: 1990-1995
Type: AE3-4, Visitations (x).
Location: Monterey Park, CA, Los Angeles, CA.
Time of Incident: Early A.M.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 10:00 pm
State of Mind Before: Average.
State of Mind After: Repressed.
Odd occurrences before: Ghost Sighting and documented haunting in Los Angeles, CA.
Odd occurrences after: Nosebleeds, Paralysis, Night Terror.
Possible Influential Factors: Haunting, and family problems.

I experienced the same occurrences from the previous years. However there are four such occurrences that are note worthy.

The first occurrence happened during the late 1990. I was asleep in my room. The fire alarm had went off unexpectedly from a short. I awoke screaming. I was severely traumatized that night by the noise. I had never had any sort of reaction to that noise since that night. Yet whenever the alarm went off I was reduced into a panic state of frenzy. During the whole night I was severely shaken. I don’t recall why I felt like this, but I believe that something happened with the visitors.

A second occurrence happened during the summer. I fell asleep early that night, I experienced a paralysis incident in which I woke up from and walked to my aunt room since I was freaked out. I experienced a second paralysis event in which they came in again while in my aunt’s room. After that paralysis incident, I awoke in my room. My aunt clearly remembered me walking into the room and falling asleep on the floor. That night, they moved me from my aunt’s room back into my room.

The third experience occurred when I was staying with my best friend. They had just rented a new apartment. After a few weeks of moving in I stayed over one night. We both recall hearing a helicopter, and then a white light shone in through the window. We were sleeping in the same bed, however I was facing the wall and he was facing the door. I felt the familiar presence of one of “them”. As quickly as it came the light and the helicopter faded. I could soon move and he turned to me and said an alien walked in the room and just walked right back out.
A fourth experience occurred in the summer of 1995. At this time I had a roommate who was staying with me. I had warned him that such things may happen, and he didn’t believe me. Within 5 months they came back. There was a blue white light filling my room and there was a lot of wind. I was paralyzed and saw them drag him out. I awoke letter and everything seemed fine, I quickly went over to where he was sleeping and he indicated that they came and dragged him away. He seemed more tired and was calm about it.


Dates: 1986-1990
Type: AE3-4, Visitations (x).
Location: Los Angeles, CA.
Time of Incident: Early A.M.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 10:00 pm
State of Mind Before: Average.
State of Mind After: Repressed.
Odd occurrences before: Ghost Sighting and documented haunting in Los Angeles, CA.
Odd occurrences after: Nosebleeds, Paralysis, Night Terror.
Possible Influential Factors: Haunting, and family problems.

In 1986 I was moved to my grandmother’s residence because of the death of my grandfather. I was moved into the backroom. This residence is considered haunted, but the ghost here are very distinct from alien visitations. During this time, I was frequently visited at night by a group of being that would walk in from the door. The door would open, no light, and then close. This group of beings would come to the bed and examine me. Buzzing in me ears would occur as well as the vibration of my bed.
I attempted t thwart these beings, by sleeping under the bed. I would be paralyzed under the bed, and see the feet of these things as they stood by my bed. They eventually figured were I was hiding on the second attempt and pulled me out.
I then began my research into the UFO Phenomena. It was here I first learned that Alien abduction was real. My experiences were real, and were happening to others.


Dates: 1979-1985
Type: AE3-4, Visitations (x).
Location: Irwindale, CA, East Los Angeles, CA, Los Angeles, CA.
Time of Incident: Early A.M.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 10:00 pm
State of Mind Before: Average.
State of Mind After: Repressed.
Odd occurrences before: Ghost Sighting and documented haunting in East Los Angeles, CA.
Odd occurrences after: Nosebleeds, Paralysis.
Possible Influential Factors: Haunting, and family problems.

As described in the haunting experience, we moved into a new place owned by one of my aunts. During this time I was frequently moved from my residence with my mother, to my grandparents, and to my father.
The majority of the abduction experience occurred with my mothers’ residence. I slept in a bedroom, which was shared with my brother and my mother. Initially I slept alone in the upper bunk. I was moved to the bottom bunk, because I would often fall off at night as something would pull me. I would also remember something floating up to the top bunk to touch me. On the bottom bunk, I saw more of the shadows. Later I was moved to my mothers’ bed in which things still occurred.. Monthly I would experience one or more of the following:

1) In the middle of the night I would awake with light shining in through the window. I would remember being lifted up and drawn outside. However, during this time I would often remember, various helicopters in the area.

2) While in the bunk bed, I was able to float slight above my bed. I would often play and enjoyed the feeling of weightlessness. I was fully awake during these incidents and a being was standing toward the side of my bed. Whenever I noticed it, I stopped floating and blacked out.

3) Before I feel asleep I would see dark humanoid shapes enter the room from the shadowy areas. The would be along the wall hiding and awaiting the right time to fully walk toward the bed. They were at first 2-D, but then were able to become 3-D when coming to the bed when paralysis occurred.

4) During the moments of sleep paralysis, I would often feel as if I was being touched and examined.


Date: 1979, July
Type: AN5 (Missing Time), Visitation II.
Location: Irwindale, CA
Time of Incident: Before Noon.
Attempted Time of Sleep: None.
State of Mind Before: Observant.
State of Mind After: Bewildered.
Odd occurrences before: None.
Odd occurrences after: Foreign Object inserted in palm. Was dug out with a pocket knife and thrown away.
Possible Influential Factors: None.

This was a weekend day, Saturday. Nothing unusual happened the night before and I did not recall anything of the previous visitation. My father took my brother and I, for a fishing trip to the Santa Fe Dam. As we were going down the stairs all the sounds of the park just stopped silent and no one was around. I was alone on the stairs and it was utterly quiet. Then my hand hurt and the next thing I remembered my father was there scolding me for wandering off for an hour or so. As we were walking back I told him my hand was hurting and that I hand a splinter. He noticed nothing, but he did check and felt something under the skin. With a pocket knife he dug it out, it was a small sliver of glass. He threw it away. I know this was july because there were Fireworks on the way him, someone was shooting bottle rockets.


Date: 1979, Spring
Type: CE3, Visitation I
Location: Irwindale, CA
Time of Incident: Early A.M.
Attempted Time of Sleep: 11:00 p.m.
State of Mind Before: Sad.
State of Mind After: Scared.
Odd occurrences before: None.
Odd occurrences after: None.
Possible Influential Factors: Family Divorce.

It was a weekend night, Saturday. My brother did not come with me this time to visit with my father. That night I slept alone in the room in the back. It was a spare empty room in which I slept on the floor with just a blanket and pillow. That night I awoke and saw a silver craft and a number of beings exploring the backyard. It appears that they were taking soil samples, as I watched them I felt the presence of something watching me. I looked to my right and noticed a being starring at me through the window. I panicked and ran into the adjoining bathroom to my father's room and locked the door. Intense lights came into the room, the door was shaking. The light then went into his room and his door began to shake. I just remember crying and passing out. In the morning my father kicked opened the door.

My Prolfile Case


Name: Classified.
D.O.B.: Classified
Gender: Male
Orientation: Homosexual
Racial: Caucasian/Mongoloid Mix (Native American Indian-Southwest, Scottish, and French/Spanish)
Birth Defect: Left kidney faces same direction as right kidney; increased dehydration, retarded metabolic rate concerning the process of drugs and alcohol.
Physical Anomalies: Chipped right front tooth from accident, Lower Spinal Disk Problems, unknown item verified in 2001 MIR located in left lower leg.
Psychological Profile: Type-B Personality, INTJ Type Personality. Possible Cluster A Personality Disorders.
IQ: 137
Family Background: Broken Home, Latch-Key Child, Extreme Dysfunctional Family, Diagnosed Psychological Disordered Family Members.
Religious/Philosophical Mindset: Extremely Open Non-Practicing Catholic-Taoist.
Paranormal Experience: Pre-Cognitive, Slight Empathic and Sensitivity, Vallee Scale (AN5, CE1-5, SVP [SRR 3, SVR 1, PER 4]), and Butler Abduction Scale (AE2-4). Experience with spiritual and extraterrestrial entities.

Vallee Classification System

The Vallee Classification System By Jacques Vallee In 1990 Jacques Vallee, Ph.D., developed the Vallee Classification System. Expanding on the Hynek System, Vallee produced a methodology for classifying UFO experiences that takes into account more details, including the reliability of the witness and the possibility of mundane explanations.Vallee's goal was to apply the scientific method to UFO research. He holds degrees in mathematics, astrophysics, and computer science, and has written many books. Vallee was the real-life model for the character played by François Truffaut in Steven Spielberg's film Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Vallee has since distanced himself from the UFOlogy field.
The Vallee Classification System categorizes UFO sightings using five principal ratings: AN; MA; FB; CE; and SVP, which is divided into three subcategories, labeled SRR, SVR, and PER.

AN Rating Classifies any anomalous phenomenon.
AN1 - Anomalies that leave no lasting physical effects, such as lights in the sky and similar phenomena.
AN2 - Anomalies that leave lasting physical effects, such as crop circles, scorched earth, and debris.
AN3 - Anomalies with associated occupants or entities.AN4 - Interaction of the witness with occupants or entities.
AN5 - Anomalous reports of injury or death, such as unexplained wounds, healing of wounds, or spontaneous human combustion.

MA Rating Describes the behavior of a UFO.
MA1 - A visual sighting of a UFO that travels in a discontinuous trajectory, such as loops, quick turns, or vast changes in altitude.
MA2 - A visual sighting of a UFO with physical evidence, such as burn marks or material fragments.
MA3 - A visual sighting of a UFO with living entities on or around the UFO.
MA4 - UFO activity, such as maneuvers, accompanied by a change in the observer's perception of reality.
MA5 - UFO activity that results in the injury or death of the witness.

FB Rating Fly-by rating.
FB1 - A fly-by of a UFO traveling in a straight line across the sky.
FB2 - A fly-by of a UFO traveling in a straight line, leaving some kind of physical evidence.
FB3 - A fly-by of a UFO traveling in a straight line across the sky, where entities are observed on board.
FB4 - A fly-by where the witness experiences a sensation of unreality, i.e., a phantasmagoric state.
FB5 - A fly-by that causes permanent injury to, or the death of, the witness.

CE Rating Close Encounter rating.
CE1 - A visual sighting of a UFO within 500 feet.
CE2 - A visual sighting of a UFO within 500 feet with physical evidence.
CE3 - A visual sighting of a UFO with entities aboard.
CE4 - Abduction of a witness.
CE5 - Abducted witness suffers from physical or psychological injuries, or death.
SVP Rating A three-digit credibility rating. Marks ranging from zero to four are given in each of three subcategories: source reliability (first digit); site visit (second digit); and possible explanations (third digit).

SRR Source Reliability Rating
0 - Unknown or unreliable source.
1 - Report attributed to a known source of unknown reliability.
2 - Reliable source, second-hand.
3 - Reliable source, first-hand.
4 - First-hand, personal interview with the witness by a source of proven credibility.

SVR Site Visit Rating
0 - No site visit, or answer unknown.
1 - Site visit by a casual person not familiar with the phenomenon.
2 - Site visited by persons familiar with the phenomenon.
3 - Site visit by reliable investigator with some experience.
4 - Site visit by a skilled analyst.

PER Possible Explanations Rating
0 - Data consistent with one or more natural causes.
1 - Natural explanation requires only slight modification of the data.
2 - Natural explanation requires major alteration of one parameter.
3 - Natural explanation requires major alteration of several parameters.
4 - No natural explanation possible, given the evidence.