Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sleep Paralysis-Aliens

I came across this web page concerning the Sleep Paralysis Phenomena. Although the site is influenced by the belief in the Kundalini (Chakras), it does have some interesting theories as to why this may occur.

Now as many fellow abductee may recount, some of us experience sleep paralysis in which we know that we are about to be abducted and duration of the experience. As the alien entities are familiar with the higher sciences, they may be manipulating or bio-electrical energy field through the tampering of the chakras. This would leave no trace of any chemically induced agents.

As we know through some examples, pressure points can be manipulated to cause a variety of odd bodily situations. We also know there are some audio/sonic vibrational factors that can also manipulate our systems. (The Ancient art of acupuncture has mapped the bodies Chi flow. This practice can demonstrate scientifically that a form of energy does flow through the body and can be manipulated. Also we have found that certain audio frequency can cause behavioral and physiological changes as well).

In most of my experiences I have been able to only break free a few times from some episodes. During most sessions I am only able to move slightly usually just able to wiggle a toe of finger. I have found personally that if you wiggle long enough the rest of the limb breaks free.
Another method that has worked but is scary is holding your breath, usually this causes the body to panic and rush adrenalin out. I have been able to do this only a few times when I am fully aware of a presence and i have not begun panic yet.

As far as for it spiritual link, I have yet to find a spiritual remedy that has worked.

Ancient Ghosts

The other day as I was musing over my paranormal experiences, a friend asked "Why are there only reports of ghosts within the past 200 years?"

It is a good question. Why do most ghosts seem to be from the past 200 years.

On a global scale there are ghosts and hauntings that do date back some 2,000 years plus.
Most of these places are ancient battlefields, tombs, and monuments to past civilizations.
Europe, China, Japan, and the Middle East have tales of spirits and hauntings that date back many centuries past. Yet we also need to remember, that most ancient places may have been spiritually cleansed by the cultures that dwelt around an active hotspot. Some places are ritually sanctified as well, and may hold the spirits of the ancient dead in suspension until such a time that area is defiled by human hands or by nature.

The other factor I would say is Pathos-"the quality or power in an actual life experience or in literature, music, speech, or other forms of expression, of evoking a feeling of pity or compassion". A spirits haunting can last for only so long, over the course of years spirits can just fade away if no one remembers them. The turn of centuries can send a haunting into the arms of oblivion if no one remembers. Also sometimes spirits finally let go and just dissipate or move on.
Lastly some may enter a hibernative state in which they suspend activity until a certain event
takes place or awakened.

This may also explain why ghosts of animal are not as present. Hardly anyone remembers the passing of an animal, but that is not to say that they are not there. According to a Hunter's methodology, animal can detect the presence of a spirit or entity. So there are animal spirits, but they probably move on rather quickly, however domestic animals may run by our rules too.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Haunting 004

Date: 1998
Type: Entity
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: Night.
Odd occurrences before: Same occurrence has happened to my aunt, my grandmother, and myself.
Possible Influential Factors: "Marcos".
Resolution: After my attack it stopped.

In 1998 in a period of 2 months during the spring my aunt, grandmother, and myself
were attacked by an entity separately at night while we slept. It first occurred with my aunt when night we heard here screaming. She had told us she woke up from a nightmare, but she was visibly shaken. She didn't say much about the incident at that point.

A few weeks later though, my grandmother experience a similar episode. Now my grandmother would suffer from "sleep apnea", but her episodes unlike true apnea it included visions and she would be awake but asleep. Well during this episode I walked in and she was clutching her neck and saying in Spanish "I don't know", "Why are your asking?", and "Who?". I honestly didn't think anything of it.

My grandmother got sick a few weeks afterward as was hospitalized. So I stayed in her bedroom and slept in there. I had a habit during this time of taking with me my ward, a picture of my spirit animal in hopes it would protect me from the aliens.
Well that night, I awoke with someone asking me "Where is he!" I was held down and couldn't move, something was choking me. I managed to just say "Who?" and it answered "Where is Marcos! Where is he!". As he said that my ward went off and it attacked what ever it was.

I soon told my grandmother what happened the next day. She was surprised. That's when my aunt filled in her part of the story. She said something grabbed her and did the same thing. At that point we all knew something off went on, and it was looking for a "Marcos". What was off is that who it was asking for, and we are still wondering why? This bothered me as "Marcos" did mean something.....

Haunting 003

Date: 1986 to Current
Type: Shadows, Mist.
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: Dusk to Dawn.
Odd occurrences before: None.
Possible Influential Factors: Several local cemeteries.
Resolution: Attempts at banishing and warding with some success.

In the house there are numerous shadowy that I believe pass through our area. I live by several local cemeteries of varying faiths and elasticities. The area I live in was once called Sunnyside Heights, a Jewish community. The Wyvernwood area was once home to a Japanese-American community. The history of my area has no known great tragedies, but serves as an area for many as a final resting place.

Ever since I was young, I noticed humanoid shadows dart within the main hallway of the house. Our adjoining apartment also at one time had activity in it main hallway as well. My grandmother and aunt would report of shadows on the wall that had no source. As you have read my blog, you will also notice that there has been a high level of Alien Abductions as well. These are unrelated to the abductions as these "shadows" are spiritual and not physical. These shadows are just creepy at times and show sporadically. I believe these are just wandering spirits from the cemeteries.

Another odd occurrence was the "mist" ghost. This entity I believe is the only stationary entity here. It has appeared in two areas of the place. In large bedroom by the apartment it has appeared several times to more than one guest. It is a grey white mist visible in the dark or light. It usually hover along the edge of the ceiling and just fades out. Some guests have reported it hoovering just above the bed. When it has there was a noticeable cold spot. On one occasion in the garage, two of my friends saw the mist come from the rafters of the garage and just come down to where we were sitting and then just vanished.

The residence has been blessed in the past by a catholic priest. I myself have done my own wardings to some success. The mist creature has remained inactive, and it is unknown whether or not if it is still present.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Haunting 002

Date: 1979-1986
Type: Haunting, Poltergeist activity, multiple spirits.
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: Dusk to Dawn.
Odd occurrences before: Death of previous tenant of the apartment in adjacent apartment. Spiritual activity in adjoining home.
Possible Influential Factors: Spiritual acitivity in back house.
Resolution: Numerous blessing by Catholic priests, would subside for a while.

When I was younger, i live with my mother part time in a small apartment complex in East Los Angeles. My mother's sister owned the complex. According to her children, there was some odd happenings in their home, supposedly two spirits haunted their home. The first apartment was haunted by the spirit of the previous tenant. So after a few months we moved into the second apartment.

In the second apartment it got worse as a the same activity repeated itself, but in addition to previous happenings, the TV would turn on and off and object would slide about. Also shadows could be seen moving along the wall or in the middle of the living room, dining room, and bedrooms. The bedoroom window would some to slide itself shut as well.

Haunting 001

Date: 1979-1986
Type: Haunting, Poltergeist activity, multiple spirits
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Time of Incident: Dusk to Dawn.
Odd occurances before: Death of previous tenant of the apartment. She did not want to move and vowed if she left, she would die and come back..
Possible Influential Factors: Spiritual acitivity in back house.
Resoluton: Numerous blessing by Catholic priests, would subside for a while.

When I was younger, i live with my mother part time in a small apartment complex in East Los Angeles. My mother's sister owned the complex. According to her children, there was some odd happenings in their home, supposedly two spirits haunted their home. Yet in the first apartment we lived in, the former tenant's spirit was very active.

At first we were unaware of her death. A few month after her passing, room doors and cuppord doors would open and close by themselves. Sometimes a light swtich would either flip itself on or off, late at night the rocking chair would move slowly, and odly enough the washing machine would turn itself on. You could literally here the clicking of the dials and the start of the cycle.

At times you could feel a cold haevy pressence in the bedroom if you were by yourself.

As soon as the second apartment was free we moved to there. A catholic priest blessed the place, but the activity would still go on afterwards.