Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Why Sleeping is Bad...for me

Although there has been no incidents, my sleep from time to time has been bothersome. I hardly ever dream.
When I do, it just about the "otherplace" or reliving moments of my life. Sadly I been having more and more of the "reliving" moments than I care to have. What's worse then been memories of the past "incidents" while I was living in the East Los Angeles area between 5-12 years.

At that residence it was a small apartment. What was more confusing it the house was also haunted by at least three ghosts. The 1st apartment was haunted by an old woman who was tricked by her family into leaving to a rest home. I actually new her as she lived there at the time. The 2nd Apartment and house was haunted by two ghosts, a male aggressive figure who smelled of smoke and liquor and some other guy. The ghosts would do the usual minor things... slams door, open cupboards, interfere with the lights. That was tolerable.... but as you know I had another problem. The dreams I been having were about maybe ages 7-8, where sometime I would sleep in the living room. The dream/memories I have been having are about those times.

The common one is that appear from the kitchen or back door. They simply walk in or from the area look around and come toward me on the couch. Other times they would be outside the living window just looking in. What was odd about that is the rest of the background was blacked out...I couldn't see the other houses, just a deeply muted backdrop and them.I remember time when I knew they were coming and tried to get to the bedroom where my mom was, only to either find them there already waiting for me or being able to make there before I dropped on the floor being fully paralyzed. My reaction to all these dreams have been "deep sadness", in the sense of why would this happen to such a young kid.

Another dream I had recently was rather odd, since it was not a memory but more of a dream. I was residing in the old room of the house where my "incidents" occurred. Then I went about the day as usually, driving around with my mother. I was being asked a lot of questions like how was I doing, what do I like to do, what did I think about the government, about god, etc. It was an odd conversation, since it was  phishing for information.I thought nothing of it much, but fortunately I think I panicked as I pulled into a mini-mall and need to get a drink from 7-11. It was an excuse to get away from here and be around other people. It was there that one of the only people I feel safe with showed up, that I think is when I let my guard down completely. Although he was acting more peculiar than normal, my feelings blinded me.
Abruptly the scene changed back to my old room, I was asleep and it was dark. Someone else was in the room and I started looking for the desk lamp that was by the bed. I managed to turn it on and no one was their... and I questioned why I was in my old room. When I turned around, my guy was there. Immediately I felt safe again. I asked where he came from and if he was okay. He only told me he had to go and had to meet up with the others. By others, I assumed the usual friends and I followed him like a puppy dog. I offered to help him carry his stuff which he avoided me. I felt slighted, and new something was off. So when we got to the door I said goodbye and locked it. Telling him to stay safe, he turned around and was wearing large dark sunglasses. The bags he had were not there and he walked back and entered the gate to the backyard.That's when my aunt screamed and said someone was in the backyard.At first I told he don't worry, as I was aware what was happening... but then I was manipulated again by the fact that "they" were using his image and presence to affect my rationality. Form apprehension I instantly said don't worry it's just him... I am gonna go and see him and left happily to the back. Oddly although I was walking into a trap I felt me attempt to resist realizing what is going on at the same time feeling that euphoric feeling I have with that person. Let's just say when I got there... it did not turn out too well.

When I woke up from this one I felt anger, fear, and betrayal (being manipulated and duped). It hurt alot too becuase of the use of this person, and how vulnerable I am concerning him.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Independent Webisode: Receiver

Now I came across this movie quite by accident. "RCVR" is a series about a group of individuals who experience the abduction phenomena, but are aware on some level with an alien intelligence. In most adults they are overwhelmed with the information and usually go mad withing a couple of years or commit suicide. In this series, it starts off in 1973, Arkansas. It revolves around a federal agent whose department is involved in covering up "Alien Activities". They are also aware that a few abductee cases come across special individuals known as receivers. The agents admit that China and Russia agencies known about these individuals and have captured them in their own countries.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Update: Silence and Knocking

As you have noted there has been no activity for about two months.
It seems things have entered "the quiet phase". Of any and all incidents occurring during this time are:

-2 Episodes of Epilepsy?? Partial (focal) seizure or Febrile seizures.
-Ghostly Knockings between 2-4am.

Paralyzation: Epilepsy

As many people have noticed in the abduction community, paralyzation occurs. People often start categorizing and looking for plausible explanations. One of them has always been medical, and the response is a stroke or a mild seizure of some sorts. Some of the common things that happen, which I know I must have had is a Febrile Seizure. As it is, my body temperature is usually above normal and I have always been prone to high fevers. Now, in our family there has been a history of seizures. Yet again this always twists into the realm of the paranormal. Those who have had seizures... either have had "visions or ghosts" experiences or like me abduction episodes.
The sad thing about seizures is they are not fully understood. Supposedly they are bought on by various effects, but myself including the family members who have experienced these symptoms have never been diagnosed nor been treated. All medical personal have agreed that there is no reason why we "experience" these events. Them been called fits, and usually been said to be psychological in origin.. possible due to depression or anger. Yet when these non abductions have have occurred there is no psychological reasons why I would have these.  

Ghostly Knocks
No this I attribute to the fact that we are living next to several cemeteries Hauntings are normal, and despite what one would thing they are far more preferable to "abductions". The knocks have occurred between 2am-4am during the past three weeks. There have been a total of four verified episodes. There is a distinct knock on my aunts bedroom door of 4 raps.At first she thought it might be me, but I never knock on her door. When I heard this I thought it may have been her, as when she needs me she summons me with banging on the wall with her cane. This was not the noise and was a distinct knock on the door. So far it has stopped.